North America

Traveler’s Guide to Minnesota Zoos

Travelers Guide to Minnesota Zoos

Most Famous Minnesota Zoos

Since Minnesota borders Canada and has well over 10,000 lakes and forests, such as Chippewa and Superior national forests, Minnesota Zoos offer a great habitat for keeping animals safe and protected. These zoos have both local animals as well as many other species from all over the world. They also offer great educational experiences to both adults and children interested in zoology as well as Ethology.

In order to get to know this state, we take a deeper look at its location. The state of Minnesota is one of the states in the Midwest of the United States. This state shares a land border with Iowa from the south, North Dakota and South Dakota from the west, Ontario and Manitoba from the north in Canada, and Lake Superior from the east with Michigan and Wisconsin.


Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley

Minnesota Zoo is Located in Apple Valley - Travelers Guide to Minnesota Zoos

Located in Apple Valley, Minnesota Zoo is an aza-accredited institution with a great diversity of animals such as bison, black bears, Bali Mynah, many kinds of monkeys, and much more. This is a good place for all members of the family. The admission ticket price here is just under $20 for adults and $14 for kids. The bonus is if you become a member, the admission becomes free of charge. The membership price ranges from $65 to $250 for one induvial and groups, respectively. As for the parking, you need to pay a small fee if you are not a member; however, it is free of charge for member card holders.


Hemker Park and Zoo in Freeport City

Hemker Park and Zoo Opened its Doors to Families in 1977 - Travelers Guide to Minnesota Zoos

Hemker Park and Zoo is one of the oldest-running Minnesota Zoos that you can visit in this state. This recreational zoo opened its doors to families in 1977 and since has been a local favorite place to spend time in this park. You can find this place in Freeport city offering well over 50 species that they gathered from all over the globe. Also, they have a program which is dedicated to Rhino conservation, which is set to conserve this animal and prevent its extinction.

Some of the animals here include giraffes, kangaroos, bobcats, red pandas, swans, and a few more. For a duration of 6 months, starting at the beginning of May until the end of October, you visit here by purchasing either a one-time entry pass for $20 or a season family pass of $175 that covers 2 adults and 2 kids for the entirety of this season.


Lake Superior Zoo Known as Duluth Zoo

Travelers Guide to Minnesota Zoos Has Tigers, Monkeys And Bears - Lake Superior Zoo

Lake Superior Zoo is the 19th oldest Zoo in the United States and amongst the cheaper Minnesota Zoos to visit. The cost of admission here is around $14 for adults and half that price for children. They have over 140 species of animals inhabiting this zoo, like tigers, monkeys, bears as well as otters. Moreover, you can participate in their carnivore feeding tours to feed tigers and grisly bears. The Lake Superior Zoo tickets are currently priced at $15 for adults and $8 for children.


Como Park Zoo in Como Regional Park

Como Park is Located in Saint Paul With Unique Gardens - What To Do in USA

Como Park is another one of the Minnesota Zoos that actually has animals and gardens on its premise. Located in Saint Paul, this park offers some of the most unique gardens that you can see. Overall, it is a great place for family and children which you can visit all year round. If you do not have a personal car, you can get the Route 3 and Route 83 buses that provide direct service to this park. The Como Zoo tickets are free of charge at the moment.

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